18-21 126th Street College Point, NY 11356

Salon 94



Salon 94


Upper East Side


Originally designed by architect Ogden Codman Jr and reimagined by Rafael Vinoly Architects, F&S was hired to spearhead the redevelopment of this historic property into a new Art and Design Gallery.

The exterior restoration of the building required a complete historic conservation which F&S performed with its team of tradesman. The 2ndfloor front windows were restored to their original condition while the remainder of the windows were replaced. The 2ndfloor iron terrace railings were patched and painted. The existing roof was reinforced to accommodate a future vertical extension.

On the interior of the building, existing historic elements were preserved by our craftsmen and reflected in a new modern style. A new freight elevator was installed to accommodate the needs of the gallery. New custom lighting was installed throughout as part of a joint design-build effort between Rafael Vinoly and F&S.

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